Comparing spatiotemporal species distribution models: A case study of a Scotian Shelf sea cucumber (Cucumaria frondosa)
Nathan E. Hebert, Jessica A. Sameoto, David M. Keith, Melanie A. Barrett, Craig J. Brown, Joanna Mills Flemming (2024). "Comparing spatiotemporal species distribution models: A case study of a Scotian Shelf sea cucumber (Cucumaria frondosa)". Ecosphere: An ESA Open Source Journal, Volume15, Issue4.
Can statistics help to uncover the ocean’s secrets?
Joanna Mills Flemming (2024). "Can statistics help to uncover the ocean’s secrets?" Futurum Careers.
This article was produced by Futurum Careers, a free online resource and magazine aimed at encouraging 14-19-year-olds worldwide to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering, maths and medicine (STEM), and social sciences, humanities and the arts for people and the economy (SHAPE): www.futurumcareers.com
Integrating habitat features into spatio-temporal biomass dynamics models for a better understanding of stock productivity: a case study of sea scallop in the Bay of Fundy
McDonald, Raphaël R., Keith, David M., Sameoto, Jessica A., and Mills Flemming, "Integrating habitat features into spatio-temporal biomass dynamics models for a better understanding of stock productivity: a case study of sea scallop in the Bay of Fundy", ICES Journal of Marine Science. 80 (6): 1710-1726
starve: An R package for spatio-temporal analysis of research survey data using nearest-neighbour Gaussian processes
Ethan Lawler, Chris Field, Joanna Mills Flemming, “starve: An R package for spatio-temporal analysis of research survey data using nearest-neighbour Gaussian processes.” Methods in Ecology and Evolution, Volume 14, No.3 (2023):817-830
Formulating a spatio-temporal model to analyze longline survey data for the Atlantic Halibut fishery
McDonald, Raphaël R.; Hubley, Brad; Li, Lingbo; den Heyer, Cornelia E., "Formulating a spatio-temporal model to analyze longline survey data for the Atlantic Halibut fishery", Fisheries and Oceans Canada / Pêches et Océans Canada, Canada
Incorporating intra-annual variability in fisheries abundance data to better capture population dynamics
McDonald, Raphaël R.; Keith, David; Sameoto, Jessica A.; Hutchings, Jeffrey A.; Flemming, Joanna Mills. 2022. Incorporating intra-annual variability in fisheries abundance data to better capture population dynamics. Fisheries Research. 246: 106152. Doi: 10.1016/j.fishres.2021.106152
When Measures Conflict: Towards a Better Understanding of Intergenerational Educational Mobility
Ahsan, Md Nazmul, M. Shahe Emran, Hanchen Jiang, Orla Murphy, and Forhad Shilpi. "When Measures Conflict: Towards a Better Understanding of Intergenerational Educational Mobility." Available at SSRN 4231514 (2022).
A spatial analysis of longline survey data for improved indices of Atlantic halibut abundance
Jiaxin Luo, Raphaël R McDonald, Brendan F Wringe, Cornelia E den Heyer, Bruce Smith, Yuan Yan, Joanna Mills Flemming, "A spatial analysis of longline survey data for improved indices of Atlantic halibut abundance",
ICES Journal of Marine Science, Volume 79, Issue 6, August 2022, Pages 1954–1964
Graphical analysis of a marine plankton community reveals spatial, temporal, and niche structure of sub-communities
JT Siddons, AJ Irwin, ZV Finkel. "Graphical analysis of a marine plankton community reveals spatial, temporal, and niche structure of sub-communities", Frontiers in Marine Science 9: 943540. 10.3389/fmars.2022.943540
Predicting aquatic animal movements and behavioural states from acoustic telemetry arrays
Kim Whoriskey, Henrik Baktoft, Chris Field, Robert J. Lennox, Jonathan Babyn, Ethan Lawler, Joanna Mills Flemming “Predicting aquatic animal movements and behavioural states from acoustic telemetry arrays” Methods in Ecology and Evolution, (2022): 987-1000
Explicit incorporation of spatial variability in a biomass dynamics assessment model
McDonald, Raphaël R.; Keith, David; Sameoto, Jessica A.; Hutchings, Jeffrey A.; Flemming, Joanna Mills. 2021. Explicit incorporation of spatial variability in a biomass dynamics assessment model. ICES Journal of Marine Science. 78 (9): 3265-3280. Doi: 10.1093/icesjms/fsab192
Distributions of threatened skates and commercial fisheries inform conservation hotspots
Jubinville, Isabelle and Lawler, Ethan and Tattrie, Sophie and Shackell, Nancy L and Flemming, Joanna Mills and Worm, Boris, “Distributions of threatened skates and commercial fisheries inform conservation hotspots.” Volume 679 (2021): 1-18
Varying-coefficient stochastic differential equations with applications in ecology
Michelot, T., Glennie, R., Harris, C., & Thomas, L. "Varying-coefficient stochastic differential equations with applications in ecology." Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics, Volume 26, (2021): 446-463.
Multiple Metrics of Temperature, Light, and Water Motion Drive Gradients in Eelgrass Productivity and Resilience
Krumhansl, K.A., Dowd, M. and Wong, M.C. "Multiple Metrics of Temperature, Light, and Water Motion Drive Gradients in Eelgrass Productivity and Resilience." Frontiers in Marine Science , Volume 8 (2021): 48.
The Langevin diffusion as a continuous‐time model of animal movement and habitat selection
Michelot, T., Gloaguen, P., Blackwell, P. G., & Étienne, M. P. "The Langevin diffusion as a continuous‐time model of animal movement and habitat selection." Methods in Ecology and Evolution, Volume 10, No.11, (2019): 1894-1907.
Modelling extreme rain accumulation with an application to the 2011 Lake Champlain flood
Jalbert, Jonathan, Orla A. Murphy, Christian Genest, and Johanna G. Nešlehová. "Modelling extreme rain accumulation with an application to the 2011 Lake Champlain flood." Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series C (Applied Statistics) Volume 68, No.4 (2019): 831-858.
The Conditionally Autoregressive Hidden Markov Model (CarHMM): Inferring Behavioural States from Animal Tracking Data Exhibiting Conditional Autocorrelation
Lawler, Ethan and Whoriskey, Kim and Aeberhard, William H and Field, Chris and Mills Flemming, Joanna, “The Conditionally Autoregressive Hidden Markov Model (CarHMM): Inferring Behavioural States from Animal Tracking Data Exhibiting Conditional Autocorrelation.” Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics, Volume 24 (2019): 651–668